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Literature Quiz
In the "Twilight" book "New Moon", who is Alice Cullen?
Whose autobiography is 'What You See Is What You Get'?
What was the name of the popular horror novelist in the movie "In the Mouth of Madness"?
Who watched Aunt Marge's dogs while she visited the Dursleys in the third "Harry Potter" book?
In the beginning of "Graveyard Shift", how much does Hall make an hour?
In the "Twilight" books, who is the newest member of the Cullen clan?
What is the name of the title character in "The Watcher"?
Who becomes the new queen at the end of "Bridge to Terabithia"?
Which character works as a lifeguard in "The Watcher"?
Who wrote the novel 'Main Street'?
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