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Can you beat the score of this nurse?

Question 1
The medical term for a natural recurring desire is called what?
Question 2
What is an additional requirement specific to the basic processes of human life?
Question 3
When blood coagulates or forms a plug it is said to what?
Question 4
Arthritis of a joint is has symptoms including which one of the following?
Question 5
Wisdom teeth are also known as what number of molars?
Question 6
A facility that is used for the treatment of Chronic disorders is called what?
Question 7
Which illness is often split into groups called Type 1 and Type 2?
Question 8
Bilharzia is a tropical disease caused by which sort of parasite?
Question 9
What is the best measure of growth of an organism?
Question 10
When was the electric razor patented?
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