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Do you remember the 50s?

Question 1
In 1954, the Asian Football Federation was founded in which city?
Question 2
Nilton Santos played in three World Cups for which country?
Question 3
Humbert Humbert, a middle-aged literature professor, is the protagonist of which novel?
Question 4
Willy Loman is the central character in which 50s movie?
Question 5
Duke Ellington was associated with which type of music?
Question 6
How long did it take Florence Chadwick to swim the Channel in a record breaking 1950 crossing?
Question 7
In David Lean's iconic war film, WWII prisoners of war must build a railway bridge over which river in modern-day Thailand?
Question 8
The 1954 FIFA World Cup held in which country was the first to be televised?
Question 9
In later series of I Love Lucy the action moves from New York city to which US state?
Question 10
Which Spanish artist made a famous sketch of Don Quixote to mark the 350th anniversary of the book in 1955?
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